Making Music

41R0RcUwLjL._AA300_When I was thirteen years old I was given an album of Shakespeare’s Hamlet starring Richard Burton. I know, it sounds funny to give a young teen something so sophisticated, but I must have requested it, or someone in the family knew me better than I thought. I swear that old 33 must have been worn paper thin by the time I grew up. I wish I knew what happened to it over the years.

The entire reading was music to my ears.



Yes. Music. There is something which well-versed authors utilize in their writing that makes their work sing. It’s called rhythm.  Shakespeare was a master of rhythm with his words. J.R.R. Tolkien also.

I’m not sure if it’s a natural instinct or something that is learned but could be a combination of both. It is, perhaps, why being versed in poetry is so important in a writer’s  training. There’s a beat to learn that can be incorporated into a piece of work. Different beats can be applied for different moods, or atmosphere.

Rhythm in a literary work is captivating. Mesmerizing. It draws the reader or listener like sweet honey draws a bear, and holds them captive. Rhythm gives flavor to words and sensuality to concepts.

I can recognize a Shakespearean actor by how he picks up on the rhythm of a piece. Whether they are playing a villain or the protagonist, there is something sweet to the sound of their voice. Richard Burton was a virtuoso in his reading of Hamlet. I can still hear this O too solid flesh melting…my heart!

Listen to the voices of Sean Beam as Boromir, or Brad Dourif as Grimma Wormtongue in Peter Jackson’s production of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.

In the trailer for Cassandra’s Castle you will hear the voice-over by Robert Miano. Listen closely. A master of rhythm in his own right, Robert gave the prose that I wrote soul. It sings. I could listen to his voice for a long time and that is why I’m in the midst of negotiation to have him read one of my books as an audio.


Coming soon, (August 31) I will be releasing an audio book of Thread of a Spider. A voice actor named Lee Brophy is the producer, and on top of being Irish with a wonderful Irish accent, Lee has the talent to sense the beat in a story. His reading is captivating. I’m very excited to be releasing this audio-book especially since he’s told me he loves the story.

Lee Brophy

Lee Brophy is from the capital town of Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland. He’s a Zoologist, Voice Actor, Stand-up, Actor, Writer, Tour Guide, Performance Artist, and Clown. Yes, a Zoologist.

In 2012, Lee began taking comedy lessons in Hong Kong with Takeout Comedy and has since trained with The Annoyance Theatre, The Second City, Chekhov Studio Chicago, Beijing Improv, AUSA Comedy Society, Quids Theatre, Green Shirt Studio, Acting Studio Chicago, Chicago Physical Theatre and Such A Voice productions.  Yes, a Zoologist. Read more and Check out his website to find upcoming performances:

Thread of a Spider on Audio will be released August 31 (or there about).



About D.L. Gardner

With a passion for wholesome and entertaining stories, D.L. Gardner dives into fantasy novels both adult and young adult. She is both a best selling and an award winning author, illustrator, and screenwriter who lives in the Pacific Northwest, USA.
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8 Responses to Making Music

  1. Mike says:

    Heck, Richard Burton’s voice was so captivating, his reading of the ingredients of a Campbell’s soup can would’ve sold.


  2. I used to sit in my hometown library and read Shakespear as a teen, age 13 and up. I loved it and used to dream about the love poems, too, being written to me or that I wrote them. You make a wonderful point on writing to a rhythm.


  3. gwynnrogers says:

    I absolutely LOVE music and I understand your connection to poetry, but for me music meant dancing. I never connected with the verbal rhythm. It is interesting to learn what impacts us as we grow up.

    It is exciting that you found an Irish voice actor. I’m sure you two will have fun creating the audio book! Congratulations!


  4. j1odson says:

    This is a very interesting post about something we don’t think a great deal about – the connection between written pieces and music. We speak easily enough about the music of poetry, but that concept can also be explored in novels and short stories. There’s a lot more to music and the written word than meets the immediate eye. Thank you, Dianne.


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