It’s up

And it is the launch of a brand new book for me. You who write know that awesome feeling…making your books available to the public. I’ve talked to writers who are afraid, or too shy to release their books and I feel sad for them. Sure there will be some people who don’t like what you wrote. But unless it needs a lot of work, you’ll find a niche, maybe even gather a huge following of fans.

One review can make your day! I got one today from a lady I never met before until she started pledging on my campaigns for Ian’s Realm. She’s stuck with me up until this last book. Maybe it’s boasting but I wanted to share what she wrote. Not because of pride, but to tell you who are too shy to expose your work to the world how thrilling it is to have praise from people who read your books. It’s just tear jerking to me. It’s like I feel I’ve actually touched someone’s soul in a good way. And that’s what I want to do. I want to share the feelings I get when I create characters and give them wondrous experiences that they grow from. It’s hard to explain. Some of you who are writers might know what I’m talking about.

This is what she wrote:

Dianne, I want to thank you for this amazing 7 book journey of Ian’s Realm. Your KickStarter campaigns have been awesome – the books and swag unique and priceless. These books are treasures to me and occupy a “top shelf” front row place in my living room bookshelves. The hard work and dedication to excellence are above and beyond the norm. You are so conscientious in all the designs, artwork, novels and swag you so passionately create. You also take extreme care with every package you mail out. AND, you are so willing to work with your readers to make special custom pledge packages and additions to help us out. This is something not seen enough of. You really care about your readers and you reward us generously. So Dianne I wanted to be sure at least one person recognized you and all the behind the scene activities you do on top of writing amazing books. THANK YOU DIANNE!!! You are a real gem! Have an awesome day. May this Kickstarter be a record setting event that blows all other Kickstarter’s out there in the dust behind it. You’re the best! Thanks for letting me share these Kickstarter events of Ian’s Realm series with you. It’s been a blast!

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About D.L. Gardner

With a passion for wholesome and entertaining stories, D.L. Gardner dives into fantasy novels both adult and young adult. She is both a best selling and an award winning author, illustrator, and screenwriter who lives in the Pacific Northwest, USA.
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