November is a Month for Gathering

I’m not sure why it always happens like this, but every November my family reminds me of life in the busy forests where squirrels are hurriedly getting their acorns tucked away, where chatter seems to keep the creatures warm from the constantly dropping temperatures, and food gets eaten at a rapid pace. I’m sure it’s the weather, the falling leaves, the cold winds, and the universe telling us to prepare, there’s a long winter ahead.

Funny thing is, the winter is never like this, only the autumn. But we’ll talk about winter when it comes.

Right now my own life is emulating the outside world. I’ve been fulfilling Kickstarter campaigns and running another one, formatting calendars, re editing books, designing new book covers for my series, designing new websites and newsletters, and writing a new story. It’s very difficult juggling all this while babysitting a four year old and helping my children settle in. But some of us run on adrenaline. I guess that’s me. *smile.

The biggest package that I’m hoping to fulfill is the new book, the sequel to Hoarfrost to Roses. It’s a murder mystery and at the moment I have no idea who dunnit. So we’ll all have to read the story to find out.

I did put a subscription tier on one of my new websites in case anyone wants to read it while I work on it. But if I get no readers I will probably take it down and just release the series on Kickstarter. I’m not big on subscriptions if I don’t have an audience. I’ve tried it with Patreon and Ream. I’m finding that paperbacks are what my fans enjoy.

I have a host of in person events here in WA. If you’re in the area, let me know. You’re welcome to comment on my blog posts. I would LOVE it.

About D.L. Gardner

With a passion for wholesome and entertaining stories, D.L. Gardner dives into fantasy novels both adult and young adult. She is both a best selling and an award winning author, illustrator, and screenwriter who lives in the Pacific Northwest, USA.
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