the reason for writing

Ok. So the title of this mini discourse might be a little misleading. I’m not going to give you a bullet list of all the reasons you should write. If you have any interest at all in the literary world, or jotting your thoughts on paper, or journalizing your life in a diary, or story telling, you’ll know that it’s not as simple as a bullet list.

There is some unexplainable prompting from within that causes you to pick up a pen…or pullout your lap top, to externalize your thoughts.

Be it to help you remember later in life, to tell others, or just to put your thoughts into words so you can understand what makes you tick better.

For me, at 75, I have a lifetime of experiences to sort through, to recollect, and to fictionalize. It’s odd, that last. Why would I want to fictionalize a true story? And then you have to ask “what’s true”? Because what happened in my life was through my point of view. Someone else might have a different idea as to what happened. And there is the rub!

When I take my experiences, give them to someone else i.e. fictionalized characters, put them in a world unfamiliar to me, and then build a host of friends and enemies around them, I create a vivid understanding of the Why. Why did they act the way they did? And what is the outcome? The best part is, I can resolve their issues any which way I like, and what I like is to end the story with the sun rising to another day. The Noble Bright ending.

That is the story of Rise of the Tobian Princess.

I’m thrilled to say that today I’m launching a project for a leather cover edition for the series. Each book will have their own campaign but they’ll all be bound in leather with gold stamping and foil dust jackets.

I’m excited about getting this series to more readers. I personally think it’s one of my best. And yes, some of my experiences are woven into it. Please come share the adventure with me. Today!

About D.L. Gardner

With a passion for wholesome and entertaining stories, D.L. Gardner dives into fantasy novels both adult and young adult. She is both a best selling and an award winning author, illustrator, and screenwriter who lives in the Pacific Northwest, USA.
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2 Responses to the reason for writing

  1. Trish says:

    You have created such beauty both in language and in your artistic expressions.

    Pat ~ aka Trish

    Liked by 1 person

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