a little publishing tidbit

two old books, watches, key and feather

You’re seeing me add a few Kickstarter campaigns lately and you might be wondering what this is all about? Why crowdfunding for books?

Not that Kickstarter and Backerkit have pretty much opened the door for Indie and self published authors, but that we have found open arms with the reading, and collecting public!

Unlike retailers who simply put our book covers, a blurb, and review up for our books on their sites, and then add a host of paid-for ads on the pages they allot us, Kickstarter gives us an entire unlimited open book page for us to talk about our stories, our process, our collaborators, and anything we can think of – why we wrote the book, our thoughts, our trials, our fears, and our tribulations.

I love that they give us that much space to introduce our books, and us as authors to the world.

And they leave that page up. Forever. Along with a link after the campaign is done to send the curious to our websites.

Add to that, people looking for something new, something creative, something to put on their shelves, readily comb through the campaigns and add their pledges. Superbackers we’re called (yes I humbly admit I’ve been given that title too).

So you’ll be seeing more campaigns by friends here. More musings about why we write what we write, more introductions to authors who want to go wide and who want to take a step out of the box and show off their hard work.

And yes, writing a book and publishing it IS hard work. Thank you for following!

About D.L. Gardner

With a passion for wholesome and entertaining stories, D.L. Gardner dives into fantasy novels both adult and young adult. She is both a best selling and an award winning author, illustrator, and screenwriter who lives in the Pacific Northwest, USA.
This entry was posted in authors, Books, casues, challenge, Ebooks, KickStarter, musings, writers, writing. Bookmark the permalink.

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