A Family Saga

How sweet a story can be when it reflects the hopes and dreams and experiences of a family member. I asked Lorri (Lavender Lass) to tell us about her series.

By Lorri Moulton

This collection of novelettes is based on the real-life romances in our family

These stories all come from the maternal side of our family. My mom’s
mom told us stories about her mom growing up on a farm, where her mother was
deaf. Her parents met at a school for the deaf in Wisconsin, which her mother’s
parents sent her to after a childhood illness resulted in hearing loss.

Her parents had emigrated from Scotland, mainly due to the fact that her mother’s
family had not approved of their marriage. Why is a bit of a family mystery, so I
took some artistic license with that part.

However, her mother’s family had been fairly wealthy, and after a time, her
husband made a name for himself in their new home in America. I’ve read a few
accounts that he may have become mayor of their town. They had five daughters
(which is briefly hinted at during the end of book 3 in the series).

When one of their daughters lost her hearing, they sent her to the school where she
met the future love of her life. They didn’t have an easy time of it, but they did
end up finding a way to be together and live their own dream. I recommend
reading the stories to find out more!

I want to thank Dianne for including this series in her blog post. We’ve been
friends for a very long time, although we’ve never actually met in person. When
you find someone (even online) who understands and shares the ups and downs of
a challenging career, you can easily become friends for life. Since we live on
opposite sides of the same state, we do hope to meet in person one day.

Thank you, Dianne, for sharing…and thank you all for reading!

And thank you Lorri, for being a friend!

About D.L. Gardner

With a passion for wholesome and entertaining stories, D.L. Gardner dives into fantasy novels both adult and young adult. She is both a best selling and an award winning author, illustrator, and screenwriter who lives in the Pacific Northwest, USA.
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